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Weekly Industry Insights

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Do You Want to Grow Your Glass Company?

Of all the many things we discuss each week on the Shower Door Professionals live-stream, the topic of how to grow a glass business is probably the most popular. The first question to ask is whether you want to grow your business.

By Chris Phillips | April 19, 2022

Why Fenestration is a Crucial Part of a Sustainable Future

If we work together, we can foster real change and create a more sustainable fenestration industry. It’s going to require participation at all levels from members and participants to federal partners and green building groups. But the time is now to lead the way and be part of the solution to build a sustainable future.  

The Role of Glass in 2022, and Beyond

February 2022 kicked off the International Year of Glass, or IYOG 2022, as designated by the United Nations (UN). This designation allows us in the industry to highlight the transformative aspects of this essential building material.

By Chris Kammer | April 18, 2022

Life and Business Lessons

Exciting new podcast for this month is now live! Went from coast to coast in a few different sides of our business and really walked away with a lot of insight. 

By Max Perilstein | April 18, 2022

Disruption Alert: Transparent Solar

A conversation with Ubiquitous Energy about the opportunity for renewable energy and how solar windows can enable smarter homes.

About Innovation

As we discussed labor and supply challenges, product trends, manufacturing capabilities and more, I kept noticing the overriding theme of innovation. Innovation in how to mitigate labor and supply chain struggles, innovation in product development and innovation in manufacturing processes.

How to Prosper In Adversity

These market conditions can’t last forever. When we do finally return to something resembling normal, the skills we have learned along the way will be highly beneficial for ongoing success.

Catch-Up Time

It has been so hectic lately that it’s probably time for a quick hit blog covering a wide range of subjects, including upcoming events, and a recap of GPAD and Glass and Glazing Advocacy Day.

By Max Perilstein | April 11, 2022

Everything’s Better with Daylight

Everything is better with daylight. While that may sound cliché, according to the Department of Energy, daylighting is a key building strategy that can save money for businesses. Many factors go into creating the right daylighting—the type of window, window placement, and interior design all help to control how sunlight comes into a building. However, one of the most important decisions hinges on the right facade solution.

The Massive BEC Recap

Wow. What a week in Nashville. Unreal in so many ways. Get ready, for a happening this big, and two-plus years in the making, it takes an extra-long blog with plenty of name drops is coming your way.