NGA member company Allegion/TGP in Snoqualmie, Washington, hosted a tour of its facility for high school students and their teachers on Oct. 11, as part of MFG Day. Organized by The Manufacturing Institute, an affiliate of the National Association of Manufacturers, MFG Day helps shine a spotlight on modern manufacturing careers by encouraging companies to host events for students, parents, and teachers. It is the manufacturing industry's annual event to spotlight career opportunities and inspire the next generation.
NGA’s Melissa Fischer, Associate Director of Education, attended the event to support TGP in its endeavors while gathering information and feedback to develop resources for NGA’s member companies to support similar successful events in the future.
“TGP knows how to hold a successful MFG Day event year after year with local high school students,” says Fischer. “This event has resulted in direct hiring straight after graduation and NGA wants to duplicate this model in a way that our member companies can easily emulate.”
Twenty-two students attended this year’s event to get an inside look into a manufacturing facility. Four local government officials – including Snoqualmie Mayor Katherine Ross – also attended to talk about the importance of the trades with the students and the variety of career paths within the trades that are available to them.
As a way to grow your workforce, and support the industry into the future, NGA recommends that all industry manufacturers and fabricators consider hosting MFG Day events this year or in future years. Learn more about MFG Day and hosting an event from the Manufacturing Institute.