Voluntary Standard for Safety Glazing Materials Used in Buildings
The Accredited Standards Committee (ASC) Z97 is pleased to announce the reaffirmation of ANSI Z97.1-2015 Safety glazing materials used in buildings – safety performance specifications and methods of test.
This standard establishes the specifications and methods of test for the safety properties of safety glazing materials (glazing materials designed to promote safety and reduce the likelihood of cutting and piercing injuries when the glazing materials are broken by human contact) used for all building and architectural purposes. No technical content or methods of test were changed between the 2015 and 2020 versions.
“With the harmonization of ANSI Z97.1-2015 with CPSC 16 CFR 1201 and CAN/CGSB 12.1, the committee discussed any necessary changes, and voted unanimously to keep the content unchanged in the 2020 version,” explains John Kent, ASC Z97 committee chair and president of AMS, Inc. “Keeping ANSI Z97.1 consistent through this timeframe will allow the adoption and implementation of uniform requirements for safety glazing and thus allow the best opportunity to include safety glass in buildings for those interacting with glass during their life routines.”
Julia Schimmelpenningh, ASC Z97 secretary and global applications manager for Eastman Chemical Company indicates, “It is the goal of the committee to ensure the standard addresses evolving industry issues and remains relevant. The committee is open to Industry, General Interest and User members of the standard to ensure applicability aspects of the standard are considered during each review cycle.”
The ASC Z97 is currently dormant with the exception of select task groups. The committee membership must remain in balance; however, it is accepting members that would be categorized as ‘user members’. If interested in participating, please visit www.ansiz97.com for a membership application or email jcschi@eastman.com.
The ANSI Z97.1-2015 (R2020) version of the standard will be available for purchase at ansi.org.
The Accredited Standards Committee (“ASC”) Z97 and its Secretariat, the Glazing Industry Secretariat Committee (GISC), have developed this recommended safety performance specification and test method for glazing materials through a consensus standards development process the American National Standards Institute has approved. This process brings together volunteers representing varied viewpoints and interests to achieve consensus on safety related issues. While the ASC Z97 and GISC administer the process in accordance with ANSI-established rules designed to promote fairness in the development of consensus, neither the ASC Z97 nor GISC independently test, evaluate, or verify the accuracy of any information or the soundness of any judgments contained within the standard document, ANSI Z97.1.
This Standard was processed and approved for submittal to ANSI by the ASC Z97. Committee approval of the Standard does not necessarily imply that all committee members voted for its approval.