Member Community
The NGA member community is 1,700 companies strong and represents all aspects of the glazing and glass building products industry. Our tools, resources and community will help save you time, save you money and make your business better. NGA recognizes the value that your company brings to the glass and glazing industry, and we want you as a member!
Membership Dues
Regular members are companies who actively engaged in the manufacture, sale, installation, distribution, fabrication, replacement or repair of glass and glazing industry products. Affiliate members are companies who have a professional interest in the glass and glazing industry such as architects, engineers and consultants.
Membership is company based. Dues are based on your company's global gross annual sales in glass and glass-related products. Members are required to pay the highest dues for which they qualify.
Annual dues based on your company’s gross annual sales, per the chart below.
Annual Sales – Annual Dues
Under $1 million - $375
$1-2 million - $670
$2-3 million - $975
$3-5 million - $1,315
$5-10 million - $1,780
$10-20 million - $2,650
$20-50 million - $3,695
$50-100 million- $5,920
$100-500 million - $9,445
$500 million+ - $11,163
Member companies can add additional or subsidiary locations to their membership to receive the same NGA benefits, but should factor each location's revenue in to their Annual Sales amount. Please contact or 703-442-4890, ext. 127 for assistance.
Membership is company based. Consultants, architects and engineers are considered Affiliate members and have a flat annual dues rate of $510.
Annual dues - $510
NGA member benefits
See how membership can help you!